Founders & Investors want the same thing:
Predictable, sustainable results.
Founders are crazy enough to think you can change the world. Investors believe in you and want to be part of your journey.
You both want the same thing in the next stage of your growth - predictable, sustainable results.
This requires a high performance sales team with a proven sales framework.
Founders, assess where you team is so you know how to address the questions from Investors.
Investors, assess the sales team with the same level of diligence you review their financials and product development. Mitigate your revenue growth risks.

What are the capability gaps we regularly see as a result of the Sales Success Readiness Benchmark...

Cost NOT Value
You are proud of your product and you show it off all the time. Features and functions will NOT win deals for you. A focus on features leads to a discussion on cost.

Fail to Plan
The business plan is not supported by a viable sales plan. Territories, Accounts and Reps do not have a plan for success. Targets do not get hit by chance. Fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Hope to win
No matter how proud you are of your product, you cannot demo it to anyone who asks. What a waste of time. They hope to win rather than qualify out where you can't win.

Poor execution
Great strategy gets trumped by poor execution. The disrespect for your time leads to not enough time spent on deals you can win and on activities that increase your win rate.
Find out more
Explore how Sales Director Central can deliver predictable, sustainable results for your business that has a complex sale to an infrequent buyer.