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Diagnose - are we a High Performance Sales Team?

The revenue generated by the Founder must, at some point, be delivered by a high performance sales team.  How do you know if you team can deliver that revenue before it is delivered?  How can you know if the way the team is set up, the sales framework you have in place, will lead to revenue growth?

You can look in the rear-view mirror and take comfort from last year's revenue, but how do you know the team can grow revenue in line with business growth plans?  How do you know what you need to work on to increase the chances of revenue growth.

The Revenue Impact Benchmark brings together 2 key elements of Sales Director Central intellectual property to enable you to answer the questions above.  The Sales Framework has been proven to improve the results of sales teams in over 100 companies in the last 4 years. The Revenue Impact Diagnostic is a 70-point checklist that benchmarks your sales team against the Sales Director Central Sales Framework (PAMICE).

Savvy sales leaders and founders are using the Revenue Impact Benchmark on a quarterly basis to measure capability growth in the team and to identify key areas of focus for improvement.

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Revenue Impact Benchmark

Built around the Sales Director Central Sales Framework (PAMICE) the 70-point checklist assesses

  1. The way the team approaches customer value vs seller solution features and functions.
  2. The focus on planning to hit sales targets at the macro to micro level vs hope and good fortune as a strategy for success.
  3. The disciplines on doing what we say we will do based on facts vs doing only what we want based on opinions.
  4. The appreciation of the importance of time in sales and a structured approach to ensuring the team maximises their time on deals they can win vs working on anything that comes up so that we are all busy doing sales stuff.
  5. The measures in place ensure the right activities are conducted vs measuring any activity that keeps the team busy.
  6. The sales leader's structure in managing a high performance team vs ad hoc discussions on pipelines and deals.
  7. The team's willingness to do address the hard questions in driving revenue growth vs settling on doing the things that are easy and they like doing.

It is a comprehensive assessment of the sales business unit's approach to ensuring predictable, sustainable results.

It indicates the level of maturity in the sales team, it measure the Sales DNA and highlights key are that you need to work on.

The full assessment provides a detailed analysis with a summary as shown right and below (example).

Take a sample diagnostic

Do you invest in Start-ups?

How do you assess the future revenue growth capability of the sales team?

When you assess a potential investment, your due diligence covers legal, technical, IP and finance.  The finance due diligence looks at historical sales/revenue, and you might look at the pipeline to estimate future sales/revenue.  Our experience tells us the pipeline is massively overstated.

Sales Director Central addresses these risks with an aid to your diligence process. The service provides the investor with a pre-investment Revenue Impact Benchmark. A Sales Director Central Sales Leader can work with you to conduct a 70-point diagnostic based on our proven sales framework and is benchmarked against our data set. This provides you with another level of due diligence focused on future revenue growth potential.

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Explore how Sales Director Central can help with an independent diagnosis of your sales team.  Let us know if we can help.