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Sales Director Central are proud to be a Gold Sponsor of Emergence 2023.

Wholesale Investor's largest conference of the year.

This is event is where Founders who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, meet and work with Investors who support world changing businesses.

While the idea of raising or providing capital is the cornerstone of this event, Sales Director Central provides the perfect solution to the age old problem - how do we scale this thing?  Predictable, sustainable revenue is the goal for all of us.

We sponsored this event because we believe in Founders who want to change the world (see our Founder's page).  By delivering predictable, sustainable results your valuation increases, your access to capital becomes easier, your cashflow improves and you can start to sleep better at night.  Sales Director Central also supports Investors' desire to better understand the Founder's ability to scale (you can review all this on our Investor's page).

If you are looking for more information on Emergence 2023 in Sydney, please go to this Wholesale Investor's Sydney Event page.

If you have not registered for Emergence 2023 in Sydney, please go to this Wholesale Investor's registration page.

Sales Director Central's Founders, Paul Sargeant (Sarge) and John Dean (JD) will be at the event.  If you'd like to book a time with us please do so with via the links below.

JD meeting at Emergence 2023 in Sydney.

Sarge meeting at Emergence 2023 in Sydney.

Complete the Sales Leadership Survey before Emergence.

Complete this short survey on Sales Leadership and we will share the results with you.  The results will be shared during our keynote at Emergence but we will also share the results with everyone who registers and completes the survey.

Either scan the QR Code or click on the Link to Survey button below.

Link to Survey

The Sales Director Central Sales Sales Leadership Benchmark


Built around Sales Director Central's proven sales framework (PAMICE/Value), the sales leadership benchmark tool is a 50-point checklist used to assess the sales team's likelihood of delivering predictable, sustainable results in the future.  Useful for Founders to understand how well their sales team is setup before talking to Investors, and for Investors who need a more comprehensive and scientific view on their target investment's sales team.

A short form assessment is available here. This provides a quick assessment and a flavour of the analysis undertaken in a full Sales Leadership assessment.

The full assessment provides analysis as shown below.

Book a meeting with SDC

The Fractional Sales Leadership Business Case

Consider your choice on employing a full time Sales Leader against a Fractional Sales Leader from Sales Director Central. Founders & Investors - protect your cashflow and manage your risks.

For the same annual cost of a traditional Sales Leader, you can get the experience of a Sales Leader with the sales framework intellectual property from Sales Director Central. Save funds you can use to employ additional sales reps.

Find out more

Explore how Sales Director Central can help mitigate some of your risks investing in businesses that have a complex sale to an infrequent buyer.